OPINION “The Impact of Technology or Digital Era for Interact People” atau Opini Pengaruh Teknologi terhadap Interaksi Individu-individu


OPINION by Mauidhotul Husniyah

The Impact of Technology or Digital Era for Interact People”

               Technology is things that make it easy for humans. And now, technology is developing so fast. Technology eliminates "opportunity" and also creates it. With technology, humans feel their lives are easier and more efficient. Technology facilitates people to be more practical in communicating, learning, and getting a mate. However, with the emergence of technologies also have adverse effects and sometimes not realized. Because technology does affect us, both in our mindsets and behavior. Not infrequently, online communication, lead to misunderstanding or misperception, and eventually the relationship becomes gap. Humans feel they have a relationship with the outside world, even though it is only "virtual", closer to the far and far away, or commonly called virtual distance.

               Before technology develops so rapidly, when someone wants to meet other people, he will prepare himself and try to have a good conversation later. However, since the advent of technology, some people prefer to talk through cell phones, and ignore to meet in person. From this, it has been seen that technology causes social disability, changes the way communication, interaction between people. Even technology addiction can be said to be the same as alcohol addiction, it is difficult to eliminate it. Because indeed in this digital age, everything is practical.

Sometimes, people begin to lose the essence or value of humanity. Empathy is reduced, doesn't care or doesn't realize the person in front of him, and prefers to look at his cellphone. Finally, some direct interaction that should have taken place was simply missed. Whereas naturally, humans have an innate longing or longing to share life stories or meet other humans in person or face to face.




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